Aliases are a quick way to designate predefined commands, and package them into a quickly executed command.
For example, it replaces a long, wordy command with long arguments with a quick couple character command.
An aliased command is server specific, and will only work for the current guild. Importing alias records will be added soon.
~alias add
~alias remove
~alias edit
~alias list
~alias all
~alias <action> <aliasName> <command> <arguments>
This command will add/remove the provided command and args to the Alias record.
AUsable args for this part: add/remove/edit the alias into the record.
This is the word that you want to use as your command, for example choosing apple would allow you to run ~apple.
This is the command you want to run when using the alias you've chosen.
Any applicable arguments for the aliased command, such as search terms or a link.