The majority of Waggles functionality pertains to Derpibooru related tasks. Most commands can in some way reference the results of the last image posted in the channel.
Waggles has link detection that allows her to find information on the last image posted in that channel, whether she posted it, or a user did.
Note: All derpibooru commands are subject to a whitelist set up manually, which is channel specific, see whitelist for more information.
~derpi <tag> or ~derpi <sortInt> <tag>
Allows you to run a derpi query with given terms, results are sorted by score, a single image is posted into chat, along with artist info. Adding a sorting Int to the beginning of your command modifies the results.
~next or ~n
Returns the next image in cache, from last ~derpi search in that channel. Adding an Int as an argument references that index in the cache.
~derpist <tag> or ~count;
Returns the amount of images on Derpibooru that match those tags.
~derpitags <link> or ~tags;
Returns the tags of the given Derpibooru image. Subject to whitelist content filter.
Omitting a link returns the tags of the last Derpibooru image posted in that channel by either Waggles or a user. Subject to whitelist content filter.
~artist <link> or ~a;
Returns derpibooru links to artist(s) page as well as Derpibooru/ID link of provided link.
If link is ommited, Waggles will use the last derpibooru link posted in the channel.
~reverse <tag> or ~r;
Searches database for given image, returns Derpibooru page if possible. If result is NSFW, it will only be posted in whitelisted channels.
The whitelist is a very important part of Waggles functionality, due to the way she filters content. Explicit results will only be returned in channels that exist within this whitelist.
~wlist <Add/remove> <#channel>
Adds or removes a channel from the whitelist, requires the Manage Channels Discord permission.
~alias <Add/remove> <commandName> <command> <InnerArgs>
Adds, removes, or edits a command alias to memory.
Ex. add dailyFluttershy derpi fluttershy AND safe This allows one to run ~dailyFluttershy and have the rest of the command executed automatically.